Can COVID harm pets too?

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All of us are already aware of the COVID-19 virus, generally referred to as coronavirus. Coronavirus is a wide family of viruses that can cause human or animal diseases. They can result in everything from an ordinary cold to more severely affected conditions such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and the newly-identified COVID-19. Numerous mutations of the coronavirus are known to cause respiratory illnesses.

Several affected pet guardians have asked ‘Could dogs get coronavirus’ in reaction to instances of animals being positive for coronavirus.

There is currently no indication that dogs or cats may be a source of COVID-19 infection – there is no evidence of it being passed to humans from infected pets. And infected pets appear to be asymptomatic, which is great news.

Currently, COVID-19 spreads by human transmission only. But washing your hands with soap and water after interaction with animals is always a good idea. This helps protect the animals against several ordinary bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella.

The latest information tells us that persons with COVID-19 should avoid contact with pets, if possible, until further information on animals and COVID-19 is available. They can catch it from their humans and no one wants to put their pet at risk of illness, even if they have trusty pet insurance. If you do have COVID keep your pets away from other people and neighbourhood pets too, for everyone’s safety. Stay at home!.

The CDC’s recommendations to prevent sickness and disease transmission are always a good idea to follow:

  1. Be careful to wash your hands (even after feeding, handling, or cleaning pets or leaving an area where animals reside, even when you have not touched an animal) before eating, drinking, or preparing food.
  2. Where possible, disinfect pet equipment, sink and food preparation areas.
  3. Recover and remove animal excrement immediately in the correct container.
  4. Keep your animal up to date with all prescribed preventative care.
  5. Avoid touching and feeding other wildlife.
  6. Don’t “rescue” abandoned wildlife.

Again, it is crucial to note that there is presently no proof from the World Health Organization (WHO) and veterinary authorities that dogs and cats might get ill from COVID-19. Regardless, if your pet has coughing symptoms or a fever/higher temperature, you should seek the advice of a vet. A good cat insurance or dog insurance policy will help you pay for those important medical expenses.

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