Why liquidity matters for ETFs in SG

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ETF trading is often compared to traditional stock trading, but there are essential distinctions that investors need to be aware of. One key difference is liquidity. Liquidity refers to the ability of an asset to be bought or sold quickly and at a reasonable price. Illiquid assets can be challenging to trade, often because there is a lack of buyers or sellers in the market.

A critical advantage of ETFs is that they tend to be much more liquid than traditional stocks, meaning investors can buy and sell ETF shares quickly and reasonably. For instance, if investors want to sell their shares of an ETF that tracks the S&P 500 index, they will likely find plenty of willing buyers. In contrast, if an investor wants to sell a share of a less popular stock, they may have to wait a long time to find a buyer or accept a lower price.

This liquidity advantage is due to the structure of ETFs. ETFs are designed to be traded on exchanges like regular stocks. However, they are also created to be bought and sold by institutions and large investors. As a result, there is always a demand for ETF shares, even during market turmoil. For those who are interested, you can get started with ETF trading using this address.

Benefits of trading ETFs

Lower costs

A benefit of ETFs is that they tend to have lower costs than traditional mutual funds because ETFs are often passively managed, meaning they do not require the same level of active management as mutual funds. As a result, ETFs typically have lower fees and expenses.

Access to hard-to-reach markets

Investors who want to access hard-to-reach markets, such as foreign markets or niche sectors, can do so with ETFs because there are ETFs available that track nearly every market and sector imaginable.

Greater flexibility

ETFs also offer investors greater flexibility than traditional mutual funds. For example, ETFs can be traded throughout the day, whereas mutual fund shares can only be bought or sold once a day after the market closes. It gives investors the ability to react quickly to changes in the market.

Transparent portfolio

ETFs offer investors a transparent portfolio, meaning they know what they buy. With traditional mutual funds, it can be challenging to determine the exact composition of the portfolio. This lack of transparency can make it difficult for investors to make informed investment decisions.

Tax efficiency

ETFs are also generally more tax-efficient than traditional mutual funds because ETFs tend to have lower turnover, which generates fewer capital gains. For this reason, investors are less likely to owe taxes on their investment gains.

Risks of ETF trading

Market risk

ETFs are subject to market risk, meaning that the value of the ETF may go up or down because ETFs are traded on exchanges, and their prices are determined by supply and demand.

Tracking error

ETFs may also experience tracking errors, which is the difference between the performance of the ETF and the index it tracks, which can happen for different reasons, such as when the holdings in the ETF do not precisely match the holdings in the index.

Liquidity risk

Although ETFs are generally more liquid than traditional stocks, they can still experience liquidity risk because there may be times when there are more buyers than sellers in the market or vice versa. It can cause the price of the ETF to fluctuate.

Counterparty risk

ETFs are also subject to counterparty risk, the risk that the other party in a transaction will not fulfil their obligations. It can happen if an ETF is bought or sold on an exchange not regulated by a government agency.

Credit risk

ETFs may also be subject to credit risk, the risk that a company will not be able to pay its debts. It can happen if the ETF invests in bonds companies issue with weak credit ratings.

In conclusion

Liquidity is an essential consideration for investors in ETFs because ETFs are traded on exchanges, and their prices are determined by supply and demand. As a result, ETFs can experience market risk and liquidity risk. However, ETFs offer investors many benefits, such as lower costs, greater flexibility, and access to hard-to-reach markets.

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